

Attractive golf and friendly relations – Golf Kyburg, together with Golf Sempach and Golf Saint Apollinaire provides opportunities previously unheard of in Switzerland.


Once you have purchased a playing license and paid an annual fee, you have access to five 18-hole championship courses which are among the very best worldwide.


Am Samstag, 20. Juli 2024 begrüsste Treasurer André Müller 88 gut gelaunte Golfsportlerinnen und Golfsportler zur Treasurer Golf Trophy auf Golf Kyburg.

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Das Sommer Camp vom Montag, 15. bis Freitag, 19. Juli 2024 war ein voller Erfolg und zog 27 begeisterte Junioren an.

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Die traditionelle 1. August Feier auf Golf Kyburg gehört zu den beliebtesten Golf Events des Jahres. Melden Sie sich jetzt an!

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Am Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2024 trafen sich 18 Senioren und 26 Juniorinnen und Junioren des Golf Club Kyburg zum gemeinsamen Turnier.

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Am Dienstag, 16. und Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024 fanden die diesjährigen Swiss Golf National Championship U14-U12 bei schönstem Sommerwetter im Golf & Country Club Basel statt. 

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Am Sonntag, 14. Juli 2024 um Punkt 06.00 Uhr, eröffnete der Knall des Kanonenstarts das Hahnenschrei Shotgun 6h Turnier auf Golf Kyburg.

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Golf Kyburg was founded in 2003 and is now the golfing home of more than 800 members. An attractive tournament program and numerous social events provide for sporting highlights and informal moments.



You can discover the milestones in our club’s history here.


Golf Elite

Golf Kyburg has a responsibility to develop the sport of golf in Switzerland.


Golf Elite

With the founding of the elite junior squad, Golf Kyburg contributes to promoting amateur golf at the sport’s highest level in Switzerland.


Aspiring golfers can enjoy sporting challenges in our club.


We will be happy to introduce you to our active and successful teams.  

Contact &


Golf Kyburg

CH-8310 Kemptthal
Tel. +41 52 355 06 06
info (at)

Restaurant La Gloria
Tel. +41 52 355 06 00

Opening times
Contact form

How to find us

Exit highway A1 at Töss and follow the blue signs towards Zurich. After 700 meters take a left and follow the Golf Kyburg signs.

Route planner 

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